Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2014

The Jew Israel newspaper Haaretz is openly declaring support for Jewish candidates running for office in the United States.
To our readers, this shouldn’t be surprising, as we understand that Jews are a hive mind and constantly work together to infiltrate and destroy the goyim. But how must this look to the average citizen?
Here you literally have a foreign country celebrating the fact that its own agents are taking over our government. How can anyone possibly believe that this situation is okay?
The Jews constantly claim that Israel – a rabidly nationalist state on a scale not seen in any other country since the destruction of Hitler’s Germany – is somehow separate from the diaspora Jews. Yet we see time and again – most recently with the Gaza debacle – that the diaspora Jews will support Israel in all that they do, and use whatever influence they have in host nations to use the resources of the host to help Israel.
Read the article. Note that there are actually cases of two Jews running against one another! Also note that they could care less if they are Democrat or Republican – because Jews do not see things from the standpoint of goyim.