Israeli President Supports Sodomite ‘Marriage’

Garrett Haley
Christian News Network
December 13, 2013

Shimon Peres: “We cannot take away someone’s rights because they are different” (unless they are Palestinians).

The president of Israel recently expressed support for homosexual ‘marriage’ as a controversial tax break for homosexual parents stalls in Israeli’s legislature.

Shimon Peres has held numerous positions in the Israeli government, including Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister. Since 2007, Peres, who is now 90 years old, has served as Israel’s president, which is largely a ceremonial role.

Earlier this month, Peres made a state visit to Mexico, during which he was interviewed by Ynet News—an Israeli news website. When asked about the topic of homosexual “marriage,” Peres said that he is supportive of those who identify as homosexual.

“Even a person who is a homosexual is a human being, and he has rights,” Peres stated. “We have no power to take away [their] rights.”

Peres also told Ynet News that Israelis should let homosexuals “live as is natural to them.”

“We cannot take away someone’s rights because they are different,” Peres continued. “We cannot take away their right to breathe, right to eat or right to start a family. We must allow everyone to live as is natural to them.”

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