Israel’s Foreign Minister Demands Europe Ignore their Democratically Elected Parties or Else

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2014

Liberman praying to the Antichrist.

Israel’s foreign minister has thrown a hissy fit about Europe voting for Right-Wing parties and is making veiled threats to prevent them making alliances together. I don’t know what his problem is, we only want the same as Israel does, we want White states for the White peoples only.

From J.Post:

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman urged Europe’s rising right-wing parties on Sunday not to ally with “neo-Nazi, racist” parties, saying Israel would not recognize political blocs with ties to such groups.

Why should any European country be bothered whether a Middle Eastern country recognises them or not? It is none of Israel’s business what the internal politics of Europe are.

After their resounding victories in the May 22-25 election for the European Parliament, various nationalist and anti-immigration parties have been negotiating on forming coalitions within the assembly.

Though the continent’s shift right-ward largely reflects domestic political issues, it has caused unease in Israel created in the aftermath of the Holocaust that is a strong trade and diplomatic partner of Europe.

Thats right, mention the holohoax, guaranteed to get your way then arent you?


“The significant strengthening of parties that have a neo-Nazi, racist character is very troubling,” Lieberman told visiting German politician Stephan Weil, according to a statement from Lieberman’s office.

“European countries should examine closely the trends that brought this about, and how it might be dealt with.”

The whole reason Europe has lurched to the right is BECAUSE we have examined the trends that brought it about. Mainly Jewish subversion of our cultures, traditions and political systems. And we ARE dealing with it, by voting for the Far-Right.

Lieberman named Hungary’s Jobbik and Greece’s Golden Dawn as among parties that Israel deemed “illegitimate”, and called on more moderate European rightists not to join forces with them.

So, because Lieberman doesnt like them they are ‘illegitimate’? The fact that large portions of the country voted for them counts for nothing in this Jews eyes.

“A faction which includes a party of this kind will be void, as far as we are concerned,” said Lieberman.

Ah but this is a lie isnt it Mr LIEberman, those parties are not void as far as you are concerned, because you are doing all you can to interfere with them. They have got you worried for the first time in years and the more you try to interfere, the more support they will get.

The more you try to stop it, the more it is going to rise Mr Lieberman.

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