Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2015

There is simply no way to fully articulate how monumental this is.
A former University of Mississippi student was indicted Friday on federal civil rights charges for allegedly hanging a rope and a flag featuring the Confederate battle flag around the neck of a statue of James Meredith, the university’s first black student.
Graeme Phillip Harris was indicted by a grand jury on a charge of conspiracy to violate civil rights and using a threat of force to intimidate African American students because of their race or color, the Department of Justice said.
The rope and an old version of the Georgia state flag, which displays the crossed bars and stars used as a battle flag by the South during the Civil War, was placed around the neck of the statue in the early morning hours of Feb. 16, 2014. Meredith was the first black student after the university was desegregated in 1962.
“This shameful and ignorant act is an insult to all Americans and a violation of our most strongly-held values,” U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement. “No one should ever be made to feel threatened or intimidated because of what they look like or who they are.”
Yes, I realize this is not actually “speech,” but in legal terminology, an artistic display with a political message is exactly the same as political speech. They have specifically chosen this particular incident to begin the legal war on free speech because it is not obvious or known to most people that this type of a display is classified exactly the same as speech.
They have been searching for just such a situation as this to set the precedent. It is exactly – exactly – what they needed.
If the student was not allowed to touch the statue, then he would have been charged with trespassing or vandalism. Instead, he is being charged with a federal hate crime for the presentation of a political message.
This is, absolutely, the beginning of the end. And this must be our cause, because we must not lose our speech.
I will be writing more about this in the near future. I personally need some time to process it and to read more about exactly what is going on. It is possible I am missing something, but I don’t think so.