Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2017
I’ve never met any of these people. I’m sure they’re nice folks, but seriously, the SPLC uses this picture in every article about the Alt-Right, and I have never in my live met any of these people. Or anyone who looked like them. Ever. Once. And I seriously doubt they are the “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” we’re looking for anyway.
True confessions.
I am not actually a “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist,” nor do I know what that is.
At some point, I decided that it would be advantageous to me to take on the insult of “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist.”
However, it should be understood, clearly, that this is an insult, and nothing else.
I am aware that people have, at certain times in the history of the United States, dressed-up as Nazis. However, I have never done that, and I do not support doing that.
Furthermore, I am not aware of anyone currently doing that.
I have used a lot of Nazi memes. The reasoning for doing that is that I feel it is important to demystify the entire concept of “evil Nazis.” I believe that the only way to demystify this is by confronting it directly, which is why I have chosen to use a lot of Nazi related imagery with a lot of cartoonish meme imagery.
This has been incredibly successful. Though I do not take full credit for it personally, others of course also embraced this technique, but those of us who did it have largely abolished the concept of “evil Nazis” in the minds of a huge portion of the young white population. Everywhere you look on the internet you see people mocking the Jews, praising Hitler, and joking about the alleged Jewish Holocaust of the six million.
Ironic Nazism disguised as real Nazism disguised as ironic Nazism.
The success of this technique is why we were kicked off of the internet. We were gaining traction exponentially.
The entire Jewish house of cards is based upon the evil Hitler Nazi Holocaust narrative. That is the basis for the idea that whites are evil, and the idea that whites are evil is the basis for the idea that they do not deserve to have their own countries.
The Liars or the Chronically Confused
Some on the right have claimed that I believe we should be dressing up like Nazis and marching through the streets and demanding that the American flag be replaced with a Nazi flag. I have never made such a claim, and have in fact spoken adamantly against any plan to do this. However, I haven’t had to speak about it much, because no one anywhere really thinks this is a good idea.
As we are moving into a real world movement, however, it is necessary to make it clear – or, apparently it is necessary – that I do not support literal Neo-Nazism, in the sense of dressing up like Nazis, and have always actively discouraged that practice.
It is bizarre, but people on the right will use the same slurs against me as the Jewish media – “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist.” Of course, I have labeled myself this, but I have done it in jest, and I have explained in detail that I have done it in jest and why I have done it in jest – it is designed to mock the people making the claim that anyone who stands up for white people’s rights – or refuses to believe the stupid lies about Hitler – dresses up in a Nazi uniform and marches through the streets.
Mostly, when we talk about people who do not understand that I am not advocating for this, we are dealing with boomers, many of whom just don’t understand ironic humor or perhaps just don’t understand the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein persons of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude.
Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, “the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.” Hence, the corollary to the Dunning–Kruger effect indicates that persons of high ability tend to underestimate their relative competence and erroneously presume that tasks that are easy for them to perform also are easy for other people to perform.
The most intelligent people do not automatically assume that they are the most intelligent people.
We are also probably dealing with a high and obvious degree of personal jealousy, given that surely, once I have explained it, even the the posterboys of Dunning-Kruger (no need to name names) should be able to understand what is going on here.
I am in fact the greatest person who understands that memes are not real life. In the world of the internet, being edgy and fun is cool.
In the real world, to be cool you have to be A E S T H E T I C.
You cannot have an ironic real world political movement.
In a real world political movement, sexiness is the key. You need men who are in good shape, who act confident and who hot women want to fuck. A few nerds are okay, but you don’t want to be defined by your nerds.
The Plan
My plan was always to be the guy who pushes the envelope and allows for more presentable figures to have room to maneuver. This was the plan from the start.
Three phases.
We create the hardest core of all – relying on satire and a mockery of the media image of the “WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO-NAZI” in order to create an ironic boogieman that was taken by the Jews to be a real boogieman and which was also a real boogieman hiding behind a mask of irony.
The intellectual elite is capable of grasping the higher level of what I am doing while the angry young man grasps it on a more visceral level.
We form a core of the hardcore.
Others who have the same ideas come in and present them in a much more polished fashion, and lead an on the ground political movement.
The program is then palatable to a wider mass of “normies,” while we maintain the hardcore base for organization.
We then enter politics under this polished format.
We eventually become the establishment.
My Weird Position
Basically, we have done our part.
The groundwork has been laid.
We can now begin real life political organization under more polished political leadership.
But here’s the thing: no such polished political leadership exists. In my mind, I had imagined that it would just come about naturally. That there would be people who would rise to the top and be ready to do the on the ground organization.
Instead, the people who pretend they are capable of fulfilling that role are instead attacking “NEO-NAZI WHITE SUPREMACISTS,” and claiming that the movement has failed because it is now too popular. Or something. I don’t know.
At this point, I feel that I must myself begin trying to create a platform to attempt to mainstream the Alt-Right as a real political movement.
So, it’s something that I am going to try to write more about. It should probably be done on a separate site. But I can’t even keep one site online, so…
Substance vs. Presentation
All of the core ideas presented on the Daily Stormer are exactly correct.
However, as stated, the presentation of the ideas exists to serve a specific purpose. An alternate way of presenting these same ideas must now be developed.
So to be clear, when I talk about “polished leadership,” I am not talking about Jared Taylor’s “Jews look huwhyte to me.” I am simply talking about not talking about “filthy nigger apes” and “Christ-killing kikes” when you go on TV or give speeches at political rallies. Race and Jewish influence need to be directly addressed, just with a different tone for a wider and less intelligent audience.
It isn’t that complicated.
The Time is Now
This is clear: the Charlottesville – the fact that we were able to get thousands of guys on the street in one place – and the subsequent shuttening – signaled that the groundwork has been laid. We now need to move into the real world, in a big way, and start to become a real political force of millions of people.
It is important still that DS continue doing what it is doing, but I am going to start trying to get guys on the ground organized as well. This is necessary. The time is now.
If you’re not in a DS Book Club, get in one. Start to get together. And get ready for phase two of this operation.