It Looks Like Every Non-Kamala Candidate is Gonna Get Taken Down by the Media (But They Can’t Wang Yang)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2019

I’m sticking to my original prediction that Kamala Harris is going to be forced through as the democrat nominee, and that they’re going to destroy all competition.

Politico just published an article attacking Joe Biden for being rich – and it’s being featured everywhere. This is a ridiculously low blow, because all politicians use their positions to make obscene amounts of money. Everyone knows this. The only reason that the media would bring it up is as an attack.

Remember that last week, CNN published that thing of Joe Biden saying racist stuff in the 90s. That was also a real low blow, because every Democrat had to say stuff about black crime in the 90s.

They are riding him hard now.

I half expect them to start publishing the touchy pics.

Anyway – good for us.

If the media is going to take out every single candidate other than Kamala, that gives us a big in for YANG TIME. They can’t really take him out, because all he does is talk about actual issues. There is nothing to attack him over other than that he doesn’t care enough about identity politics, and he has already said identity politics is a huge meaningless distraction he isn’t interested in discussing, and saying that just neutralizes the whole thing.

Yang will be in the top five this time next month, no question. As long as we keep the memes going, nothing else can happen. We have a massive powerhouse at our disposal here, kids. When he hits the top five, the media has to start really addressing it. That is when things get fun.

And as I’ve said, I don’t think the party will let Yang have the nomination. But if it ends up being him vs Kamala in the last rounds of the primaries, he will have a chance to run independent having already built a huge following. Plus, it will be really obvious when the Democrat Party steals the nomination from him, which will make people pretty angry.

The media and the Democrats are simply too stupid to see what’s coming, because everyone who works for them is corrupt or just outright evil, and such people tend to not be open to ideas that aren’t obvious.

I’m feeling really great about all of this.