It Sure Would be Something If Conor McGregor Beat Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2017

I have written that Conor McGregor is effectively being paid to humiliate the white race.

Whether he wants to be it or not, he has become the global symbol of white masculinity.

And he is fighting the greatest boxer of all time because he is good at a different sport.

This is like a water polo champion fighting Floyd Mayweather.

It is circus tent goofiness. A sick joke.

But I did watch his shit-talk speech at a Toronto promotional event this week.

He got an entire crowd of white people to scream “fuck the Mayweathers.”

Though you do get a great feeling watching it, this just makes everything a lot worse.

This hyping it up like he’s actually going to win, getting whites excited – for the most part subconsciously, of course – that their champion is going to beat the champion of an enemy group.

However, I must say that after watching this video, I am almost convinced that Conor actually believes he is going to win.

This probably means he is just deluded.

Or, of course, he could just be tricking me.

But… I just don’t see any real reason he would hype this up like this if he wasn’t actually thinking he was going to win.

If he was just going into this like, “okay, gonna take my paycheck, get my ass kicked, then say there was no way I could have won because I’m not a boxer,” then what would be the point of hyping it so hard?

Maybe he had some kind of a vision.

Maybe he is going to win.

To be clear, I don’t think he is going to win. The chances are one in six million.

But technically, it is possible.

And it sure would be something if if happened.

I’m going to bet ten dollars on Conor.