Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2015

An Italian minister has told local mayors that “Asylum seekers” should be forced to work for free.
“We must ask the municipalities to apply our directive and make migrants work for free… Rather than leave them with nothing to do, they should make them work,” Angelino Alfano said, according to the Italian media.
The statement came amid rising tensions in Italy over a massive influx of migrants and people fleeing war, who risked their lives and paid exorbitant sums to smugglers to sail on rickety, overcrowded boats across the Mediterranean to the Italian coast.
While the deaths of thousands of migrants at sea have raised a global outcry, many in Italy feel they have shouldered enough of the burden, and the government has repeatedly called for more EU help.
The interior ministry’s civil and immigration rights chief Mario Morcone said asylum seekers working for “the public good”, for example on environmental projects, would only need their insurance covered.
“The idea is to create a better rapport, and more acceptance” in society, Morcone said on television.
More than 9,000 new migrants have arrived in Italy in the past week. They add to 84,000 people already living in the reception centres, Morcone told a parliamentary commission.
Despite the fact that the basic idea of forcing these Blacks into slavery is funny, this seems to be yet another part of the plot to excuse the presence of these people. There is already very high unemployment in Italy, the country does not need Negro slaves undercutting people’s wages.
Send them all home. Now.