Italian Police Raid Pro-Fascist Beach Club

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2017

How can anybody be a fan of Benito Mussolini? He was friends with Adolf Hitler, a mad man who personally stuffed 60 trillion Jews inside wooden ovens disguised as shower rooms.

It is good to see that the Italian government has their priorities straight. The police have been given unlimited resources to go after evil pro-fascist beach clubs fond of Benito Mussolini.

Daily Mail:

The Italian government has ordered the removal of pro-fascist posters at a beach near Venice.

The order was issued today by the prefect based in Venice after photos of Benito Mussolini were seen displayed at the Punta Canna resort in Chioggia.

Italian law forbids the glorification of fascism.

According to Ansa, the Italian news agency, there was concern that public order could be disturbed by the signs and photos.

One of the signs said the area was in an ‘anti-democratic’ zone while photos of former dictator Mussloini were also on display.

While Rome daily La Repubblica said that pro-Mussolini speeches were blasted over the beach’s loudspeaker by a self proclaimed private fascist beach club.

Yes, public order would most definitely be disturbed by these signs and photos of Mussolini. That’s because other than Adolf Hitler, Mussolini was the most evil man to ever live. Can you imagine all the hurt feelings these signs and photos cause?

On the other hand, public order is not disturbed by the infinite number of low IQ Negroes that are being shipped in from Africa. They will be taking engineering jobs and paying for everyone’s pensions. Despite claims from White supremacists, Africans are definitely far less of a threat to public order than pro-fascist signs and photos of Mussolini.

The Italian government is definitely doing what’s best for the people.

Great job guys! Keep up the good work!