Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2015

It has finally happened. Italians are revolting against the satanic Antipope Francis who has attempted to commit a genocide against them by flooding their country with human waste from Africa.
During his weekly general audience, the pontiff urged all faithful to respect the dignity of asylum-seekers and said he supported those who were trying to help them.
He then lashed out at xenophobes, asking worshippers to forgive them. “I invite all of you to ask forgiveness for those who close the door on these people who are looking for life, for a family, and to be cared for,” he said.
Francis’s words didn’t go down well with Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy far-right Northern League party, who has repeatedly argued that migrant boats should not be allowed to disembark and be forcibly kept off Italian shores instead.
“We don’t need anyone’s forgiveness,” he told his party radio. “How many refugees has the Vatican taken in?” he asked.
This is now the meme.
We do not need anyone’s forgiveness.
We are not asking for it.
And we will die before we ask for it.
God Bless Italia.
May God Save Rome.
And may the Antipope Francis burn in Hell for the hell he has helped bring down upon the Empire of God.

The Italian Police, God bless them, don’t care about the Pope’s mandate either, apparently.
They could teach a thing or two to the traitorous Italian Coast Guard.