Italy: 14-Year-Old African Girl Fakes Criminal Letters of Hatred

Diversity Macht Frei
April 22, 2016

053353759-ace8f39e-bdca-4af2-b403-65fda44563fcThis is a good illustration of the tyranny that Europeans live under. An African student at a school in Pisa claims she received racist letters. She writes a letter about this, describing how she chose to soldier on, go back to school and bear the terrible burden of racism. This article was published in La Repubblica, one of Italy’s major newspapers. Military police then raid the school, investigating all the students, so they can find the perpetrators of this evil “hate crime”. Turns out she made the whole thing up.

The brownskins know that all they have to do is scream “racism” and they can destroy the lives of the people whose countries they are invading and colonising. She said she wanted to be a lawyer. I could very easily imagine her becoming one of the brown-skinned, human-rights agitator lawyers we see all the time. The article she wrote was full of the kind of language these deceivers typically use.

Hopefully her budding career will now have been killed off. But who knows? Maybe in a few years she’ll come out with some spiel about how the psychological burden of daily racism forced her to invent these letters, demanding our sympathy.

“Dear headmaster, I am the girl from Pisa who received the racist letters. Today I returned to school having skipped a day because I am convinced I need to go on. Staying at home would have given satisfaction to those people who targeted me and I don’t want to do that. Things in class went as normal and my classmates have been very nice. But I feel very offended by what has happened. When everything is finished and the people responsible have been found, I want to look them in the eye to tell them how much it makes me unhappy if it is one of my classmates who has done all this.”

The 14-year-old Senegalese girl wrote this in a letter to Le Repubblica on 20 May. The girl’s torment was attributed to racist pressures. The carabinieri also performed a blitz on the school to discover those responsible for these racist epithets. Measures were also taken to unmask those of her companions who, it was thought, could have been the perpetrators of the offences against the girl, who wanted to become a lawyer. But nothing. The investigation has finished without anyone being accused.

Because what emerged is very sad: it was in fact the girl herself who had orchestrated everything, just to attract attention to herself. All the result of relationship problems, which are certainly not rare among adolescents. For this reason the girl has been receiving help from social services in a municipality, to help her overcome all of that.


Her full letter is really quite disgusting, full of the usual drivel about human rights and a pervading self-pity. I can’t be bothered translating the full thing. Use Google translate if you want here (link). But here’s an extract.

People in Pisa live well. I have always got on well with the people. It’s a nie place, and now it’s the only one I know because I haven’t gone back to Senegal and I don’t remember the places only the people, the friends and relations. Unfortunately there are always some stupid people in a group, and there is no need to condemn everyone, a school or even an entire city because of them.

The publication of her original letter became a big thing in the city. The mayor reacted to it.

“The city will not accept that things like this are considered normal and we must all question ourselves and react.”


In the fake letters she made up, she wrote stuff like: “When are you going to return to your shit country?”

“I’ve never seen a nigger who deserved a 10 in Law.”
