Italy: A Third of the Prison Population is Made-Up of Foreigners

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2016


Enriching this bitch down

In Italy, a third of the prison population is foreign. This is despite the known fact that most foreign crime is covered-up by their government.

Il Giornale:

Of the more than 53 thousand inmates in total, 17,920 are foreigners. This is a reduction compared to the almost 25 thousand in 2010, but it remains true that one in three inmates are not Italian. This means that despite have a lower number of immigrants compared to other European countries, a large chunk of foreign delinquency is arriving in our country. In percentage terms, we are 12% above the European average. In France of the more than 66 thousand inmates, foreigners are 13,860, 21.7%. In 2015 foreign prisoners in the United Kingdom were around 11 thousand, only 12.7% of the prison population.

Yeah, because in the UK all the foreigners are “British” somehow.

They hand out passports like a kiddie-fiddler hands out candies.

Most of the foreign prisoners in Italy consist of Moroccans (16.9%), followed by Romanians (15.9%), Albanians (13.8%), Tunisians (11%), Nigerians (3.9%) and Egyptians (3.4%). 11 thousand are Muslims but according to the Department of Penitentiary Administration around 7000 are practising.

Translation via Diveristy Macht Frei.