Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

An Italian businessman – an Islamic convert, apparently – is planning to build Italy’s first Islamic university, and despite being told by authorities he would never be given a permit to build this institution of hatred and terror, he has decided to push ahead.
The people of Lecce have universally declared that they don’t want this sickening alien center of doom in their base. But Moslems don’t care if people want them places or not.
The council for Lecce, a province in the southern region of Puglia, turned down the request from Giampiero Khaled Paladini, the president of Confime, a confederation for Mediterranean businesses, to renovate a former tobacco factory to house the university.
Severo Martini, a councillor from the planning unit, said that after evaluating the project the municipality found there was little clarity on how it would be financed
“But we also can’t ignore the national and international attention right now on Islam,” he was quoted by Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno as saying, referring to the deadly attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris in early January.
“Above all, we must consider the wishes of our residents, who have opposed the idea of an Islamic university.”
What these stupid, filthy goyim don’t seem to understand is that they live in a democracy, which means their opinion doesn’t matter. In fact, one of the foundational principles of democracy is that if you are a member of the indigenous population, you are never, in any situation, allowed to disagree with or question the agenda of invasive foreign minorities.
It is highly unfortunate that Italians are so deeply rooted in Fascism that they actually believe their opinions matter. Seventy years ago, the whole world fought a war so that people could realize that nothing they do or say matters, and they have no choice in anything. How these people disrespect the men who fought and died so that they would have no rights or influence on anything by pretending they’ve a right to beliefs and opinions.
These Moslems are in the process of turning Italy into a Moslem country, and if these racist Italians don’t like it they should either just keep their mouths shut or go ahead and kill themselves. Democracy must forever push forward.