Italy: Cops Raid Chinese After Attacks on Arabs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2016


Ah, multiculturalism.

Let me count the ways.

The Telegraph:

Chinese immigrants in one of Europe’s biggest Chinatowns were accused of carrying out vigilante attacks on other foreigners as police conducted raids on Friday in the Tuscan town of Prato.

Tens of thousands of Chinese live in Prato, a satellite town of Florence, with many working in sweatshop conditions in factories that produce clothing, handbags and fashion accessories.

Italian police are investigating the activities of a shadowy cultural association called “The City of the White Deer” and suspect that its members have been responsible for attacks on North African immigrants and Roma gypsies who they accuse of being responsible for thefts and burglaries.

The head of the association allegedly organised “vigilante activity” against Arab immigrants and Roma people even though there was scant evidence that they had committed any crimes, police said.

Officers raided nine locations as part of the investigation into racially-motivated violence and criminal association, seizing iron bars and baseball bats.

Tensions have been high all week among the Chinese community, which is accused of showing little interest in integrating into Italian society.

On Wednesday hundreds of Chinese migrants clashed with riot police in nearby Sesto Fiorentino, throwing bottles and stones. Police responded with baton charges.

The immigrants were angry over health and safety checks on textile factories carried out by the authorities and complained of unfair harassment.

Maybe instead of attacking these vigilante chinks they should have like, deputized them?

That’s what I would have done, I’ll tell ya what.

But then again, I’m not the Italian government. The same government which spends millions upon millions of dollars using its navy to “rescue” drowning invaders.