Italy: Cunt Meloni Sending a Few Under Blacks to Albania Under Goofy Bribery Agreement

Albania is a big truck.

You can just dump things on it.

The Guardian:

The first people to be intercepted at sea by the Italian navy under a controversial migration deal with Albania are on their way to the Balkan nation to have their asylum claims processed.

As part of the pact signed off on by Italy’s far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, a navy ship set off on Monday “with some irregular migrants onboard”, the interior ministry confirmed. The ministry did not provide a precise figure.

That cunt campaigned on stopping these ships, then as soon as she was in office she began doing nothing but shilling global war, while the number of incoming migrants quadrupled.

Now she’s paying a neighboring shithole to harbor these blacks, as if they’re not all just going to sneak out of Albania to wherever they want to go.

It is understood that all of the people being taken to Albania are men who were part of a group trying to cross the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe.

As part of the Italy-funded deal, three facilities were formally opened in Albania last week: a centre with a capacity to host 880 asylum seekers, a pre-deportation centre known as a CPR with 144 places, and a small prison with 20 places.

The pact, which human rights associations say is in breach of international law but which the EU has tacitly endorsed, was signed by Meloni and her Albanian counterpart, Edi Rama, in November last year.

Meloni said at the time that in exchange for Rami’s backing for the centres, she would do everything in her power to support Albania’s accession to the EU.

See, that makes no sense. If Albania joins the EU, it will be even easier for the blacks to leave. Of course, it doesn’t even matter, because the Albanians will just unleash the blacks.

A migrant “reception center” in Albania.

Further, this is under 1000 people we’re talking about here, which is a completely trivial and irrelevant number. It’s just a stupid publicity stunt by the stunt cunt Meloni.

The issue of “migrants” in Europe is a matter of millions of people needing to be moved the hell out. Anyone who is talking about ticky-tacky shit like sending a few hundred people to wallow in Albania is a scam artist. The discussion has to be “how do we round up and ship out millions of people?” If that is not the starting point, there is no reason to even engage with the topic.

Meloni should stay focused on killing Russians and Palestinians. That’s her true passion.

Everyone should follow their passion.