Italy: Egyptian Haji Chimps Out on Bus, Assaults Passenger and Kicks Police

The defiant vibrant.

Like all pack animals, hajis prefer to attack in groups.

When acting alone, they usually just end up looking like the ridiculous half-niggers that they are.

Vox News (Google Translate):

A twenty-nine-year-old Egyptian was arrested by police on Tuesday afternoon with allegations of resistance to a public official and aggravated damage.

His madness began at around 4.50 pm, when on board the bus of the line 40 he had a fight with another man and he threw some punches at the bus glass in front of several witnesses, including a woman who alerted the 112.

Then he lay down on the bus to avoid being arrested. When the cops tried to lift him, he started kicking them.

And once loaded on the Volante he managed to destroy a glass and damage the vehicle despite being already handcuffed.