Italy: Feral African School Bus Driver Burns Up Bus Trying to Kill White Children

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2019

This has been a monumental week.

A spree of terror has been unleashed on Europe as retaliation for what an Aussie did in Kiwiland.

The president of Turkey is openly calling for terrorist attacks across Europe.

And people have the nerve to say that there’s no such thing as the White Race.

Funny that.

It seems that other races, however, believe that there is, in fact, a connection between the people of France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and now Italy.


The driver of a school bus filled with children has been arrested by Italian police for setting fire to the vehicle near Milan. The Senegalese man reportedly called for an end to “deaths in the Mediterranean” during the incident.

Nigger logic.

Imagine if White people started immigrating en masse to an African country, and then tried to kill black children that had been put under their care as revenge for… what, exactly?

People dying in leaky boats en route?

Miraculously all 51 schoolboys managed to escape the fire without injuries, although 12 children and two adults were sent to hospital for smoke inhalation, according to RaiNews24.

The 46-year-old Senegal-born driver reportedly spilled gasoline down the aisle of the bus while shouting that he wants to stop deaths in the Mediterranean Sea before igniting the blaze. 

This was a terrorist attack, plain and simple.

And the reason he gave for the attack was retarded. No one is to blame for Africans willingly throwing themselves into rubber dinghies and becoming fish food en masse. Same as no one is to blame for these apes hacking each other to bits in Africa.

All that’s going on in this nigger’s head is simple rage against whitey.

The media isn’t saying the man’s religion, but Senegal is basically 100% Moslem.

Probably triggered by Brenton Tarrant’s shooting, this Moslem nigger decided to try and kill white people in revenge for the brown bodies hitting the floor to the beat of Tarrant’s AR-15.

As for the logic behind targeting White children… well, there isn’t any logic here. Killing 51 kids is not a proportionate response to anything. There hasn’t been a war in the last 500 years where it was considered okay for refugees to start killing the children of their hosts by setting them on fire.

It is a complete violation of everything. Every law. Every standard of decency. This was literally an (attempted) Holocaust.