Italy: Furious Italian Mob Exact Vengeance on Roma Camp After 2 Gypsies Rape Local Girl

Daily Mail
March 14, 2014

A Roma gypsy camp just outside Naples was attacked after a young Italian girl claimed that she had been attacked by two members of the community
A Roma gypsy camp just outside Naples was attacked after a young Italian girl was raped by two of them.

A mob of 50 furious Italians stormed a Roma camp outside Naples after a girl suffered an alleged attempted rape by two gypsies.

Dozens of Neapolitans laid siege to the camp, pelting residents with rocks before being restrained by the police.

The following day dozens of the inhabitants of the Poggioreale site, on the eastern outskirts of Naples, decamped.

Entire families fled the site in vans, apparently fearing further attacks.

A 16-year old Italian girl had returned home in a state of agitation, complaining of the alleged attack by two Roma, around 9pm on Tuesday night.

The Roma Gypsy camp just outside of Naples had already come under fire from critics because of claims that it was unhygienic
The Roma Gypsy camp just outside of Naples had already come under fire from critics because of claims that it was unhygienic. Now the place has been cleaned up for free by the Italian people, who chased the gypsies away by pelting them with rocks and stones.

She was taken to hospital in a state of shock.

Relatives of the girl headed for the camp with the intention of ‘punishing’ the perpetrators, before exchanging blows with Roma, leaving them injured.

But hours later they returned, flanked by the vigilante mob, threatening fires and launching rocks at the campsite.

The site’s 250 inhabitants were forced to put up road blocks to defend themselves, and the police eventually managed to restore order.

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