Italy: Greta Leads Uprising Against Zionism, Gives Impassioned Speech on the Need to End the Jews

Greta has completely abandoned her global warming nonsense, becoming a full-time antisemite.

We must forgive her for that global warming gibberish. She was apparently trying to do the right thing, and was exploited by the media and the education system who told her that the “right thing” was declaring war against swamp-ass by attempting to turn the earth into a solid sheet of ice using windmills.

Now, she’s realized that global warming is a big Jewish scam and the real threat to the future of humanity is Jews. Of course, she is using the Jews’ own global warming language to attack them.

France 24:

More than 1,000 people, many of them teenagers, joined a peaceful march in the northern Italian city organised by Fridays For Future, the climate change movement Thunberg helped found.

Wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional scarf symbolising the Palestinian struggle against Israel, Thunberg walked near the front of the procession as other protesters waved flags, held banners and danced to music.

Palestinians have been living under suffocating oppression for decades by an apartheid regime, and during the last year with Israel’s live broadcasted genocide, the world has once again abandoned Palestine,” the 21-year-old said in a speech.

Thunberg drew a link between global warming and the weapons industry.

The fight for climate justice is a fight against the fossil fuel industry, just as much as it is a fight against the weapon industries, militarisation and the over-extraction of natural resources,” she said.

It’s about time a hero appeared to take the fight directly to the Jews.

Greta might not be the hero we need, but she’s the one we deserve. Or whatever.

Jews are the real global warmers. Their endless whining and hatred is heating up the air.