Italy: Hungry African Cannibal Tries to Eat Italian Policeman’s Finger

This is what happens when you feed these oppressed Africans nothing but pasta, pasta and even more pasta.

They get bored of it. They’d rather have their native cuisine.

And they want it fresh, dammit!

Vox News (Google Translate):

The 21-year-old Nigerian, Cletus Solomon, now wanted, attacked two policemen last Tuesday. One of the two had a piece bitten off his finger.

With an emergency operation, the injured agent received a 30-day prognosis and can only partially recover after a long and painful post-operative therapy.

The Nigerian, in Italy with a humanitarian residence permit, the one abolished by the Salvini decree that the left had invented to feed the coop with fake refugees, was subjected to direct judgment last Wednesday, on charges of violence, resistance and injury to public official.

But the usual red magistrate had pardoned him: for him an eight-month suspended sentence, because until that point, he had a clean record.