Italy: It’s Already Happening as 5-Star Prepares for Euro Referendum

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2016


Well, that was quick.



A leader of Italy’s 5-Star Movement is pressing for a vote on whether the country should keep the euro as its official currency.

Alessandro Di Battista, one of the populist party’s several leaders, said in comments published Thursday in La Repubblica newspaper that “euro and Europe aren’t the same thing.”

Movement founder Beppe Grillo has long railed against Italy’s membership in the eurozone, the 19 countries where the euro is the official currency.

Suggesting the party might push for a referendum on abandoning the single currency, Di Battista said: “We want only that the Italians decide.”

Elections now scheduled for 2018 might be held a year earlier.

I’m still pulling for Le Pen.

But it looks like Italy is where it’s all going to go down.

Battista says the euro and Europe (by that he means the EU) aren’t the same thing, but they effectively are. Firstly, the single currency program is a cornerstone of the union. Beyond that, any nation that is opposed to one of the union’s corenerstones is probably going to be opposed to the EU in its entirety.

Also, if Italy leaves the euro, there will be EU hostility towards them. Even if the union masterminds want to keep them in either way, the system itself will begin to punish them automatically.

In fact, following the referendum, Italians are already out on the streets demanding an exit from the EU.

Italy has nothing to gain now that Britain is leaving – they used to like going there to work, but whether they’re allowed to continue doing that or not isn’t going to be dependent on the EU now.

The real question here is: how do you make a portmanteau of “Italy” and “exit”?

After having spent days contemplating it, I’m going with “Ixit.”

“Itaxit” just simply does not work.

So, please: #Ixit.

That may not seem important, but seriously: it actually is. Language makes things happen, and buzzwords are extremely powerful. The Jews have long understood this. We also must understand it.