Italy: Negroes Rampage Through Streets Demanding to be Put in a Ghetto

Diversity Macht Frei
March 6, 2017

The scene is Foggia in the south of Italy. Insofar as I can make any sense of this negro rampage, the story goes something like this. There is a large illegal camp called the Gran Ghetto [Big Ghetto] on the outskirts of the city. The “migrants” had been offered asylum accommodation elsewhere but had declined it. A decision had been made by the authorities to close the camp, due to safety concerns. While this decision was awaiting implementation, a fire broke out a few days ago, at night. Two African negroes tragically lost their precious lives in this fire.

The authorities then decided to clear the entire camp immediately. Some of the Africans objected to this; they wanted to stay there; in protest, they withdrew further into the camp and set the rest of it on fire. (This doesn’t really make sense, but remember, these are Africans.) Somehow, the camp was then cleared anyway and the Africans moved elsewhere. They are not happy about this. They want to stay together because they are not really asylum seekers but illegals who want to do casual agricultural work and can only get it easily when they are all in one place.

So the Africans rampage through the city, shouting something I can’t completely make out but it sounds like “Free the Ghetto!”. In other words, they are asking to be put back in the Ghetto. The Big Ghetto. Of course they should be sent back to the Big Ghetto of Africa. And be forced to stay there. By any means necessary.

Incidentally, these invader camp shanty towns are sprouting up all over Italy. Here is a map showing their locations.