Italy: Nigerian Fella Holds Psychiatrist at Penpoint After Being Refused Refugee Status

I don’t understand why the vibrant made such a big show out of this.

It’s not like Sweden – his intended destination, presumably – cares if you’re an official refugee or not.

Vox News (Google Translate):

A 20 year old Nigerian attacked a psychiatrist after being denied the refugee status he demanded. The police intervened at the offices of the Territorial Commission for the recognition of international protection to block the African who was creating disorder and beating the doctor, pointing a pen at his neck like a knife.

The policemen tried to dissuade the asylum seeker and the situation was very delicate, as one move was enough to create irreparable damage. Then, taking advantage of a moment of distraction, they succeeded in freeing the healthcare professional from the hold.

The Nigerian, identified as OD, a 20 year old already known to the police, was reported for crimes of violence and threat to a public official and interruption of public service.