Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2017

When you start looking at modern society in terms of “this entire thing was constructed by Jews for the explicit purpose of destroying white people,” everything makes perfect, clear sense.

Without the Jewish element however, it is all just a confusing mess. And you can actually be led to the conclusion that whites deserve all of this because they’re doing it to themselves.

For example, if you don’t consider Jewish pressure groups and ask why it is that millions of Moslems were brought in to slaughter us on the streets, rape our women and live on welfare, you are left with the conclusion that whites did this because they are trying to wipe themselves out.

But then…

Behind every organization pushing this immigration agenda, there are Jews. Very often, it is openly Jewish ethnic advocacy groups pushing for it. In other cases, it is ostensibly a goyim civil group which just happens to have a Jewish head.

But always, behind everything, there are the Jews.

This is the main reason that I’m so opposed to Jared Taylor “looks huwhite to me” nationalism – if you claim Jews are not an alien racial group out to eliminate us, you cannot form a clear coherent argument that doesn’t hinge on “well basically white people are just purposefully destroying themselves for no reason whatsoever.”