It’s Decision Time, PewDiePie: Become the Hero You were Born to be, Or Fade Off Into Obscurity

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2017

Last week, PewDiePie said “nigger” on a livestream. This was of course like another Holocaust to the Jew media.

Now Ethan Klein, the H3H3 Jew – a Jew who pretended to be PewDiePie’s friend during the whole scandal with the Wall Street Journal that I got accused of causing (debatable) – has turned against him for saying “nigger.”

The Jew says he was too comfortable saying it, and this worried him.


>”he certainly was too comfortable using the n-word”
>”it just slipped right off right off his tongue”
>”tells something about him”

Will be a lesson to everybody, even the most bluepilled ones, to never befriend a kike, even if they seem quite nice and “not like the others”. They simply have no concept of loyalty or genuine friendship, just purely parasitic interests of the moment, for which they will exploit by any means necessary, and after that ditch you like a used condom. It’s not their fault, it’s simply how they’re wired to survive as species. It’s up to you to know this fact and act accordingly.

There is blood in the water now that Pewds apologized.

I thought his apology was fake, designed to mock people who apologize for things – but perhaps this was not the case. In any case, it is being interpreted as a genuine apology by the Jews and this is blood in the water. They are trying to tear him apart.

PewDiePie, you cannot walk the line anymore.

You have to choose a side.

You can choose the side of your people – our people – and go down in history as an historical figure.

Or you can choose the Jews, and just get eaten alive anyway.

If I Were PewDiePie

If I was in Pewd’s place, I would back away from any apologies, completely.

They are never going to forget this. No matter what he does, they are not going to forget it. You just can’t say “nigger” and then remain a part of the mainstream. It is not something which is possible. Period. There is no amount of apologizing that will ever satisfy these people.

He is a marked man, and he will get kicked off of YouTube no matter what sometime in the next year. He can leave with his dignity and with most of his audience (which is mostly white), or he can be kicked off totally broken.



Let’s do bulletpoint here then:

  • Play it off as a joke, say other people say it, mock the people whining about it.
  • Continue to ratchet up political incorrectness.
  • Defend white people. This is very popular right now. People love hearing defense of white people. People also do not like Jews, so attack them. Do it in a half-joking way, but still in such a way that the message comes across correctly.
  • This allows you to leave on your own terms, rather than theirs. They will kick you off, but they will kick you off because you asked for it.
  • You will leave in a storm of scandal, instead of be slowly broken through demonitization, delisting and YouTube jail.
  • All of the media surrounding your banning will give you the platform to make your own video site, which stands for free speech.
  • You can make deals with other YouTubers to leave with you to your new platform. Right now, a whole bunch of people know they’re getting banned. JonTron, Sargon of Akkad, a whole bunch of gamers, /pol/, Martin Skreli, the entire Alt-Lite movement – a vast population of established video-makers will migrate with you to your new platform.
  • Establish a neutral speech policy based on the First Amendment.
  • I will tell my people to hold off for 3-6 months until you are established, so they can’t point to a bunch of Nazi content at the outset.
  • You can then say whatever you want. You can allow others to say whatever they want.
  • You will be a hero. Censorship is not popular. People on the left and the right are now attacking censorship.
  • I would continue to do a humor thing on the new platform. Stay your normal self. Be a bit edgier.
  • Go down in history as having changed the course of human history.

This is very straightforward.

And it will be fun as hell.

And again, Pewds: the only other option is a slow burnout as they completely destroy and then ultimately ban you.

You are losing the faith and respect of your viewers by apologizing. Even if they aren’t consciously aware of it, that is what is happening, as there is a biological response to the type of apology you made (if it wasn’t a parody), and it is one of disgust. They are going to keep making you apologize, asking you to justify your existence, and every time you do that, your viewers will lose more respect for you.

You got where you were by being edgy and mocking the PC system. And that is what the kids want. They don’t want to see you groveling for forgiveness like a little bitch.