Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2015

Here the comedian Colin Quinn gives a perfect summation of politically correct culture, and the way it has turned the human experience into a bizarre mockery of itself.
Of course, a comedian is the only person who could say this. Just like Doug Stanhope can say “I hate the Jews.”
Anything can be said through humor.
This is why the Daily Stormer focuses on jokes so much. It breaks down psychological barriers and allows people to consider concepts that they would otherwise be shocked by.
Whenever someone says “you’re site is so hardcore, a normal person just isn’t ready for it” I have to assume they are missing the humor. Maybe because they are too old and/or rigid to get it.

But for those who don’t get it: we are mocking the enemy’s caricatures of racism as much as the enemy himself, which disarms him, to the point where we are able to control the motion of their narrative.
Jewish scumbag Evan Osnos just did an interview Terry Gross where he explained (i.e. lied) why he calls us “White nationalists” instead of “White supremacists.”
GROSS: And, Evan, let me stop here and ask you – we’re using the word white nationalist, as opposed to the word white supremacist? Why are we using white nationalist? It’s the word you use in your article.
OSNOS: Yeah, it’s a subtle distinction. The difference is that, historically, white supremacist groups believed fundamentally in the idea that one race was superior above all, and that was essential to their ideology. This grew out of slavery and the legacy of it. White nationalist groups believe something slightly different. They believe, in fact, that whites are an endangered species these days, and they say that they’re not standing up for one race over another. They’re standing up for the preservation of their community.
Oh yes, the Jew is just trying to be more honest and accurate in his reporting on Antisemites. He is also offering free financing on a bridge he wants to sell you.
They are taking a step back because they are being mocked, viciously, to the point where they can’t push their old memes without sounding like they are satirizing themselves.
So when I say things like “I’m a hardcore Neo-Nazi White supremacist,” then attach a picture of Doreamon or Pikachu, a wall is broken down.

It is very difficult to be threatened by an ideology which doesn’t appear to take itself too seriously.
Revelation of the Method
I understand that there is a percentage of the readership who doesn’t get the jokes, but likes the basics of the pro-White message. This, regrettably, leads to confusion sometimes. But that is inevitable. I cannot explain every joke I make right after I make it.
People in a certain age group, of a certain IQ range, instinctively recognize this site for what it is, and it is very effective for people who have never been exposed to these ideas before.
The purpose of this site is not to be a circle-jerk of people already in the know, but to appeal to new people. This is obviously working, because the number keep going up and now we are in the news constantly.
The rat-kike Osnos’ decision to call us “White nationalists” instead of “White supremacists” shows we are winning the meme war.
Note how I said “the rat-kike Osnos” not because I actually talk like that in serious conversation, but because it mocks the image of “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” created by the Jew media, drawing direct attention to out how cartoonish it is by mockingly embracing the cartoonishness of it.
I also said it because Osnos is a filthy rat-kike – real talk.
Did I show you guys this email he sent me?

This article was not intended to insult all people too old to grasp dank memes.