It’s OK to Hate Hollywood Leftists

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
May 7, 2016


I’m having a blast enjoying Donald Trump give his middle finger to the assorted cowards, pussies, cuckservatives, the Bush family, the constipated country club, Conservative, Republican establishment. I am especially excited about the growing Alt Right movement that is filled with very talented, young people who know how to use humor and sarcasm – as opposed to the same old, same old humorless, old boring cuckservatives who were, well old boring conservatives when they were 16 years old.

And yes, I take great joy in seeing some of my personal enemies like lisping Lindsey Graham, Mike the Huckster Huckabee and the Ron Paul & Rand Paul Libertarian loon traitor cult members getting insulted and abused.



That said, it’s important to remember that it is still ok to HATE, yes HATE idiot, anti Southern, Anti White Left coast, Hollywood $ millionaire Libs like Michael Moore. These idiot Left Coast loons are still out there and they will be mouthing off and funding basically anything and everything that is anti Southern, anti White – (#*$(# like homo marriage equality, transgender #*$&# in girls bathroom AND


When the Islamic extremists slaughter our people in Paris, Brussels, London, San Bernardino Ca or Chattanooga TN we should expect the likes of Michael Moore and Doonesbury’s Gary Trudeau (and Ron Paul) to explain that it’s somehow all our fault – caused by some terrible sin our people did for well, being White Western people.

Life really isn’t that complicated – we should do like the New York City Police Department does:

when the likes of Michael Moore, Quentin Tarantino start doing propaganda street photo ops for the BlackLiesMatter or for ISIS, just note the facts and put the word out.

Get these bums out of town.

“Who’s streets? Our streets”.