It’s Pretty Much Impossible for Trump to Use the Military to Build the Wall

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018

So Trump went ahead and signed the budget with no wall for whatever reason.

Then he said the military would pay for the wall.

Apparently, they’re not doing that.


President Trump couldn’t convince Congress to sign off on a $25 billion request to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and efforts to get the Pentagon to pick up the tab may be hitting another kind of wall.

Pentagon press secretary Dana White told reporters Thursday that Secretary of Defense James Mattis spoke with Trump about the request this week.

“The secretary has talked to the president about it,” White said at a regularly scheduled briefing. “Securing Americans and securing the nation is of paramount importance to the secretary.”

White said she couldn’t offer any additional specifics but budget and military spending experts say the unusual request might not be legal — at least not this year. Complex budget and spending rules limit how far government agencies can stray from strict funding guidelines included in spending bills.

Once Congress approves a spending measure and the president signs the bill into law, the spending levels are locked in until the end of the fiscal year. The spending bill that passed last week locks in spending levels through the end of September.

Harrison said the military can move smaller amounts, in the range of several million dollars, from program to program using what is known as reprogramming authority. But Congress has to sign off on any major funding shift.

“You can’t do $25 billion,” Harrison said. “They need to use that authority every year because sometimes money winds up being in the wrong place. You wouldn’t want to be burning up much, if any, of your money on the wall.”

Trump could just order the military to build a wall, because it is a national security issue, and he has the ability to order the military to do anything which is in the immediate interests of national security.

He could have ordered them to build a wall on day one.

He also could have vetoed that spending bill.

He could be fighting these people on everything. That is what we elected him to do. We elected him to be a hated figure in Washington who thwarts everyone’s plans.

If he doesn’t get anything done, then okay – fine. No one is going to be angry as long as he tries. But right now, he’s not even trying.

His base is losing enthusiasm because he isn’t trying. I know I’ve lost enthusiasm. I’m still hopeful, of course, but what is hope?

He’s not doing anything horrible. He hasn’t done what Hillary would have done, obviously. So I don’t regret voting for him.

But the whole thing is so meh.

What is even the point? It would be better for him to continue on, guns blazing, whether it worked or not. If nothing is going to get done either way, then it might as well at least be fun.

Very few important accomplishments thus far, other than ending the Syrian war.

He has limited immigration some, he has upped deportations, but we aren’t anywhere near a sane policy and there is no indication that we are going in that direction.

Having him in office is good in itself, I guess. He is able to piss people off. But so much more could and should be done.

It sucks.


This is why the Alt-Right needs to up its game.

If nothing else, Trump is creating a space for our thing.