It’s Their Culture: 30 Little Boys Raped at Turk Refugee Camp

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2016

Vibrancy, they name is ALLAH AKBAR

Turkish culture is vibrant AF.

They have so much to teach us, if we would only listen.


Thirty Syrian children were raped for months at a Turkish refugee camp and government authorities failed to notice, according to BirGün newspaper. It comes amid allegations that Turkey is not a safe country for asylum seekers.

The 30 boys were raped by a cleaner at Nizip Refugee Camp in Antep, from September 2015 until the beginning of 2016.

The rapist, identified only as E.E., has confessed that he lured children between the ages of eight and 12 to have sex with him in return for 2 to 5 Turkish Lira (US$.70-1.80). He is now in pre-trial detention.

In addition to E.E.’s confession, the children were able to describe in detail how they were raped in the toilets of the camp.

The families of eight children have so far come forward with a legal complaint. The rest of the families have not done so amid fears that they would be deported.

But despite the rapes taking place over the course of several months, they were never detected by the Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), which runs the camp. Instead, the rapes were only revealed after military personnel noticed the perpetrator taking children to the blind spots of cameras.

In response to the revelations, a high-ranking military officer from the camp told BirGün that the AFAD is to blame for the rapes.

“The AFAD is responsible of the camp and for this disaster,” he said.

But the AFAD wasn’t the only party unaware of the crimes taking place within the camp, which has a capacity of 14,000 refugees.

The site was praised for its standards last month, during a visit from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, and various other Turkish government figures.

The shocking news comes amid reports of Turkish border control officers abusing and shooting Syrian refugees, prompting Amnesty International and other human rights organizations to claim that Turkey isn’t a “safe” place for asylum seekers.

I wrote up the abuse/shootings yesterday.

Merkel doesn’t care.

The EU has openly said they will never criticize Turkey.


Top EU officials toured an asylum seekers’ camp in Turkey, praising president Erdogan for his efforts in tackling the refugee inflow. That comes as human rights groups have been particularly vocal in their criticism of Turkey’s treatment of refugees.

The delegation of European dignitaries, which included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Council President Donald Tusk and other officials, came to Turkey in the latest effort to grease the deal under which Ankara has promised to help Europe deal with the refugee crisis.

They visited the camp in Nizip, Gaziantep, close to the Syrian border, which hosts more than 4,800 refugees, the Anadolu News Agency reported. Prior to the Saturday visit Merkel said she intended to see how things on the ground were for the refugees in Turkey.

The host nation was represented by Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who personally translated what the refugees were saying to Merkel, as well as his wife, Turkey’s top EU accession negotiator Volkan Bozkir and other Turkish officials.

The European politicians posed with four young women in white ceremonial dress before shaking hands with five Syrian men and their children. All other refugees were hidden and journalists prevented from talking to them.

As the leaders were leaving the camp, several Syrian children chanted “Syria and Turkey are together” in Arabic, Anadolu reported. One of the refugees said: “May Allah give strength to President Erdogan,” referring to the Turkish president.

The praises didn’t come from the refugees alone. Speaking at a media conference during the visit, Tusk said: “Turkey is the best example for the whole world (on) how we should treat refugees.”

“No one has the right to lecture Turkey what to do,” Tusk added.

Merkel described Turkey’s issuing work permits for Syrian refugees as a “very brave step.”

Because this invasion isn’t about the poo widdle wefugees.

It’s about White Genocide.

This woman is trying to exterminate us.


It’s the only way you can possibly make sense of the fact that Merkel condones Turkey murdering Syrians at the border and raping little boys in the camps.

Seriously, any lib-fag you meet who talks about how she’s just trying to help the innocents, bring this up:

“If Merkel’s purpose in bringing these people in is to help them, why does she condone Turks murdering and raping them?”

There is no possible response to it.