It’s Time for the ADL to Officially Declare Groyper a Hate Symbol

Laura Snackowitz-Nosebagel
Israeli Jew News-Time
January 22, 2018

I once felt safe living in a world where I knew that the heroic warriors of the Anti-Defamation League would rush to the defense of Jews the world over when they were threatened by various amphibians.

Now, that safety is threatened, as the ADL continues to ignore the new primary amphibian threat to the Jewish race: Groypers.

The media has taken notice of Groypers and pointed out that they are even more racist and anti-Semitic than Pepe.

As I read these news stories, I find myself literally shaking as I frantically refresh the ADL hate symbol database page to see if they’ve added this new more powerful semi-aquatic threat to the Jewish people.

And yet: nothing.

An organization tasked with exposing threats to the most victimized of all groups – the Jews – is refusing to act on what may be the greatest threat they have seen since Hitler fired up his fake shower room homicidal gas chambers.

Is this due to laziness on the part of the organizations leadership?

Or is it malice?

Have Groypers infiltrated the organization? Are they pulling strings and pulling the wool over CEO Jonathan Greenblatt’s beady little eyes?

Groypers are rising and there is no telling where this threat can lead to if it goes unchecked.

But there is some telling where it went last time a threat like this went unchecked: six million innocent Jews were gassed to death in fake shower rooms and turned into cleaning products and furniture.

The ADL’s catchphrase used to be “never again.”

Maybe now they should change it to “eyyyyy, maybe we’ll try it again, see if it works out better this time, eyyy”?