Jake and the Wolf: CNN Kikes Struggle to Explain Why They are Not Fake News

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2017

Following Donald Trump’s accurate statement that CNN is fake news, the Jews Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer struggled to explain how it is they are not fake news.

This was a real struggle.

Tapper claims that they never promoted the #GoldenShowers hoax document, even though they absolutely did, bringing out the wrinkled old Jew Carl Bernstein to corroborate the stupid hoax.

These stupid Jews don’t understand that they can’t simply lie through their teeth and expect to get away with it anymore. Those days are over.

It is glorious to watch them flail around.

Boy, I sure bet they regret spreading that “fake news” meme.

Who comes up with this stuff?

How could they have possibly thought it was a good idea to use all of the might of their media machine to empower a meme that was so obviously going to be flipped directly back against their own selves?