Jamaica Leads Caribbean Demand for Slavery Reparations from the UK

Daily Stormer
February 16, 2014

Industrious Negroes.
Industrious Negroes from Jamaica’s past.

Instead of Whites paying reparations to blacks for slavery, we demand that blacks pay reparations to us for the destruction of our once prosperous cities and colonies. These reparations can take the form of manual labor on our plantations. And while we’re at it, we should demand extra repayment from the Jamaicans for the scourge of reggae music and rasta culture that has corrupted our youth.

This is your fault, Jamaica.
This is your fault, Jamaica.

From the Telegraph:

A coalition of 14 Caribbean states, including Jamaica… is now mounting the first united campaign for reparations from Britain over its role in the Atlantic slave trade.

The group is ready to sue in the courts and has hired Leigh Day, the London law firm that last year won £20 million for Kenyans tortured by the British during the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950s.

This month it will unveil a list of 10 demands for Britain, France and Holland, including funds likely to total billions, an apology, and assurances slavery will never be repeated, The Telegraph can disclose.

Professor Verene Shepherd, the chairman of Jamaica’s reparations committee, said British colonisers had “disfigured the Caribbean,” and that their descendants must now pay to repair the damage.

“If you commit a crime against humanity, you are bound to make amends,” Prof Shepherd told The Telegraph. “The planters were given compensation, but not one cent went to the freed Jamaicans”.

As usual, the Caribbean Negroes demanding reparations fail to mention the fact that their islands were incredibly prosperous under White rule, but have fallen into third world status after Whites were kicked out.