Japan: 100 Copies of Anne Frank’s Fake Diary Vandalized

Daily Stormer
February 22, 2014

The Japanese Anne Frank: Enemy of the great Japanese race.
The Japanese Anne Frank: Enemy of the great Japanese race.

The Japanese tend to have relatively little knowledge of the Jewish parasite and their filthy lies and hatred.  Most of their knowledge of the fake historical event known as the Holohoax comes from the faked diary of Anne Frank, a little Jew girl who died of typhus (as opposed to poison death gas), who’s father was also never gassed and released the fake diary after the defeat of the heroic German people by a coalition of evil forces.

Even with their only knowledge of the alleged event being from this fake diary, known to feature a 12-year-old girl masturbating in a passage written by her own sick Jew father (please, take a moment and think about the psychology of a man who fantasizes about his dead daughter masturbating, and ask yourself: what creature is the Jew?), they have smelled the stench of lies and proceeded to destroy copies of the book at the library.


One hundred copies of the fake Jew child-porno horror fantasy story have been destroyed with righteous rage, and 165 “related books” – read, Jewish lie texts – have been similarly vandalized.

The Jews, as is their custom, have flipped the hell out, crying like pathetic little girls at a homicidal death camp.

From the BBC:

Toshihiro Obayashi, a library official in West Tokyo’s Suginsami area, said: “Each and every book which comes up under the index of Anne Frank has been damaged at our library.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a global Jewish human rights organisation, said in a statement that it was shocked and concerned by the incidents, and called for the authorities to investigate.

“The geographic scope of these incidents strongly suggest an organised effort to denigrate the memory of the most famous of the 1.5 million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis in the World War Two Holocaust,” associate dean Abraham Cooper said.

“Anne Frank is studied and revered by millions of Japanese,” Mr Cooper added. “Only people imbued with bigotry and hatred would seek to destroy Anne’s historic words of courage, hope and love in the face of impending doom.”

Sorry, Abe, but there are millions of us “imbued with bigotry and hatred” these days, and we have no interested in your idiot Jew lies about getting gassed after the soccer game at the Auschwitz 4 Star Luxury Resort.