Japan Begs US Military to Please Stop Their Niggers from Raping Everyone

The truth is, niggers are as Japanese as sushi.

At a time when Japan should be celebrating the fact that they are on the verge of a nigger joining the ranks of the samurai with Ubisoft’s new “gay nigger samurai” Assassin’s Creed game, they are instead complaining that the US won’t stop niggers from raping all their women.


Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi has urged the American military stationed on Okinawa Island to make changes to prevent further sex crimes, following a fifth sexual assault incident involving a US Marine in just over a year, it was reported on Thursday.

The most recent case, in which a serviceman in his 30s was accused of raping a woman, resulting in injury in November. The incident reignited concerns among Okinawa residents, Hayashi said. The southernmost prefecture is home to the majority of American military facilities in Japan.

β€œWe will urge US forces in Japan to strengthen discipline and fully implement preventive measures,” added Hayashi, who is the minister responsible for mitigating the impact of US forces in Okinawa.

The assault allegedly took place in a building located in the central part of Okinawa’s main island, according to a source. The woman reported the incident to local police immediately afterwards. The serviceman accused of rape has been referred to prosecutors for possible charges, local media reported, citing a police spokesman.

β€œThere have been five serious and heinous crimes in the past year that have disregarded the human rights and dignity of women,” Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki said in a statement on Wednesday, as quoted by local media. β€œI believe there is a need to lodge strong protests with both the Japanese and US governments,” he added.

The US government works hard to cover up the fact that all of these “Americans” doing the raping are in fact niggers. However, it is obvious to everyone that this is the case.

We do not have Americans doing raping any more than we have Americans doing circus shows on the streets of Tokyo.

Frankly, the Japanese would probably prefer their women be raped than have their streets flooded with these dancing chimps.

These are nigger behaviors and it is defamation against the American people to claim that “Americans” are responsible for this activity. But of course, it is the US government itself that wants to blame Americans for these actions while protecting the reputation of their vile niggers.

With Facebook, Walmart, and McDonald’s ending their DEI programs, it is time we also got these niggers out of the military. Better yet, Japan should just ban the US military from their country.

Japan should not be a dumping ground for America’s worthless niggers.

America is a niggerfest and we send these niggers all over the world to cause problems for innocent people.