Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 28, 2016
In the quest to excuse and cover-up problematic Black behavior, the scapegoating becomes more and more ridiculous in nature.
And it’s a global phenomenon.
When a Black American soldier in Japan rapes and murders a girl, they can’t say he did it because of the primitive African culture he grew up in, or because he was a poor and disenfranchised “youth.”
So they’ve decided to blame alcohol.
The US military in Japan said they are restricting all celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption for its servicemen in Okinawa after an employee was arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman and a marine pleaded guilty to raping a tourist.
The decision was announced by Lieutenant General Lawrence Nicholson at a press conference at US base in Okinawa, home to about 62 percent of all US troops in Japan.
“We should not be out shooting fireworks. We should not be out having large celebrations and parties while the Okinawan people are in mourning. If we really believe we are part of the Okinawan community, then we too must be in mourning,” Nicholson said.
According to the military official, the move comes not as punishment, but as a sign of respect to the Japanese people.
Later, Nicholson released a document detailing what US servicemen are prohibited to do outside the base. He states that “alcoholic beverages may only be consumed on a military installation.” Also bars and clubs are prohibited for US soldiers, he said.
Kenneth Franklin Gadson, who goes by his Japanese wife’s family name of Shinzato, a 32-year-old civil employee of the US military base in Okinawa and former US Marine, was arrested on May 19 over the disappearance of a local woman. He admitted that he throttled and stabbed his victim and also told police where to look for the body, according to Japanese media.
The 20-year-old woman, Rina Shimabukuro, went missing on April 28. The last person to speak to her was her boyfriend, who told police she had gone for a walk that night and never returned.
You can move an African from Africa to America, then move him to Japan – but he’s still an African.