Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

These ISIS guys sure are retarded.
It now appears that they have reached a deal to release the still-breathing Jap they nabbed, in exchange for a female bomber held in Jordan.
Japan and ISIS have agreed on an exchange of journalist Kenji Goto, held hostage by the Islamist militants, for Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi woman who killed 60 people in a 2005 Jordan bombing, a senior Japanese diplomat said.
Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Yasuhide Nakayama added that “good news” is to come soon on the situation.
The country’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, called the abduction “an utterly despicable act.”
“I have instructed all ministers to work together for the early release of Mr. Kenji Goto,” Abe told journalists on Wednesday, AFP reported.
A Jordanian government spokesman has said that Amman is prepared to free would-be suicide bomber Sajida Rishawi if its pilot is freed in return.
Goto, a freelance video journalist, went missing in Syria in October 2014. He went there to try and rescue another Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa.
So, I wonder if that was worth making two billion new enemies of people who had previously been completely uninvolved with anything to do with Islam or the Middle East?
Because although Japanese, Chinese and Koreans all hate each other, they (along with peripheral yellows – Mongolians, Vietnamese, Thais, etc.) view themselves as distant brothers, and this has been non-stop on all Asian media, like “these guys in the sheets with the towels on their heads just declared war on yellows and they’re killing our dudes.” And the Asian hive-mind is something Westerners are completely incapable of grasping. They are a real race.

My hope is that at some point the Asians will be tasked with dealing with the problem of these Moslems. They will not show mercy. They are not restrained by slave morals and spiritually-oppressive, suicidal concepts of collective guilt. If these people become a problem for Asia, they will very quickly realize the difference between Asians and Whitey.
Whereas when they kill our dudes, we immediately assume we ourselves must somehow be responsible, Asians perceive an immediate need for justice.
A war between Asia and Islam would last less than an hour.