Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 25, 2015
When Roof listed the Council of Conservative Citizens in his manifesto, the leadership of that organization went into hiding. Jared Taylor accepted a position as spokesman for the organization, as there was literally no one in the leadership of the organization willing to speak on its behalf.
He’s done a great job.
Here is an al-Jazeera interview, where he wins – flawless victory.
Yesterday, I posted his comments to CNN, which were also spot-on.
Jared Taylor recently made a statement about The Daily Stormer to the LA Times, saying: “They have an extremely harsh, dismissive and insulting tone toward blacks. I think that kind of rhetoric is extremely unhelpful.”
People have suggested I should condemn him for having condemned me, but this I shall not do. Jared Taylor is an upper-class elitist, obviously. He graduated from Yale. He speaks fluent Japanese. And he is not prone to understanding what we are doing here any more than most of us would be prone to understanding Japanese (well, some of us might have learned a bit from watching Anime).

AmRen is not a site that many people who view this site would also be interested in – we deal with separate audiences. I could have easily said, about Taylor’s AmRen: “They have an extremely kind, positive and embracing tone toward Jews. I think that kind of rhetoric is extremely unhelpful.” And I have said that before. But it does not change the fact that we are ultimately on the same side against these people trying to destroy the White race through mass-scale ethnic displacement.
If anything, this media barrage we are receiving should show us all that we need to stand together, and present a united front. To stop the childish bickering.
Just as society as a whole needs both people like Taylor and people like me, so does this battle.