“JD Vance” Says Trump is Adamantly Pro-Abortion

This individual going by the fake name “JD Vance” continues to make the Trump campaign look like a bunch of bumbling retards. He can’t open his mouth without saying something dumb and retarded.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter. “Vance” was chosen because he’s obsessed with Israel, and because elections are totally fake, both parties only have only one constituency, which is Jews.

However, virtually every politician is an Israel fanatic, so it doesn’t really make a lot of sense why you would choose such a weird person, if that is the only qualification.


Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance says Donald Trump would not support a national abortion ban if elected president and would veto such legislation if it landed on his desk.

“I can absolutely commit that,” Vance said when asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” whether he could commit to Trump not imposing such a ban. “Donald Trump’s view is that we want the individual states and their individual cultures and their unique political sensibilities to make these decisions because we don’t want to have a nonstop federal conflict over this issue.”

The Ohio senator also insisted that Trump, the former president who is the Republican nominee this year, would veto such legislation if it were passed by Congress.

“I mean, if you’re not supporting it as the president of the United States, you fundamentally have to veto it,” he said in an interview that aired Sunday.

Why would he say that?

Isn’t there room for some kind of “strategic ambiguity” here?

What is the point of insulting the base in this way?

Can’t he just leave it at “it’s up to the states” without saying “Trump will veto it”?

This actually looks like direct sabotage.

God have mercy on this nation if this is now the position of what was the Pro-Life Party,” wrote Family Research Council president Tony Perkins in a post Sunday linking to a story on Vance’s comments.

While Trump has repeatedly boasted about his role in overturning Roe, he has, in recent days, pushed back on Democrats’ warnings that he will go even further to restrict access if he wins a second term.

My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights,” he wrote Friday on his Truth Social platform, appropriating language used by abortion rights activists and the left.

Yes, I get that Trump is saying that. Trump is not great at this either.

But he’s not saying “veto.”

The election is fake and it doesn’t matter.

But it is hilarious that Trump picked the worst possible person for his VP.

Frankly, with RFK on board, there is a nonzero chance Trump will dump “Vance” and add Kennedy to the ticket.

This “Vance” character is complete poison. Everyone hates this guy.