“Jealous and Controlling” Negroid Male Breaks in and Kills White Woman in Front of Her Kid

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

image asdfas

We need to realize the struggles this man has gone through, and not judge him too harshly.

London 24:

A jealous and controlling man used a hammer to smash his way into a woman’s home and in Walthamstow and murder her with a kitchen knife in front of her young child in a ‘despicable attack’.

Lloyd Byfield pleaded guilty to the senseless and unprovoked killing at the Old Bailey this morning. The 48-year-old, of no fixed abode, will be sentenced next month.

The court heard on September 1 last year police were called around 3pm following reports of a woman stabbed at a property in Hatherley Road.

There officers and paramedics found Leighann Duffy in her living room suffering from stab wounds to her arm and neck.

A spokesman for the Met said she was taken by London Air Ambulance to an east London hospital, where she subsequently died from her injuries two days later.

“A six-year-old child at the address received treatment at the scene for an assault related injury and did not attend hospital,” he added.

“The two weapons used by Byfield in this attack, a claw hammer and a large red handled kitchen knife as well as a home made sheaf used to conceal the blade, were all recovered at the scene by attending detectives who quickly linked him to the attack.”

He was arrested two weeks later in Walthamstow High Street after stopping a passing PCSO and admitting he was wanted by police.

The spokesman said Byfield told the officer the ‘devil came into his head’ during the attack and ‘there was no point in hiding’ from police.

Despite this apparent confession he refused to cooperate with the investigation, answering no comment to all questions posed.

But forensic evidence at the scene, phone records and witness accounts saw him charged and put on trial for Miss Duffy’s murder.