Daily Stormer
June 19, 2015

Jeb Bush, who is apparently going to be the “conservative” candidate for President, has come out of the closet on his position on military trannies.
Campaigning in Iowa on Wednesday, the former Florida governor was asked by a reporter whether he would support allowing transgender people to serve in the military.
“I’m sure there’s a role for everybody to play in the armed forces. I think it would depend on the specific role and whether it’s appropriate enough,” he said. “The first priority for the military is to create an environment where the morale is high, where people are trained and we have the best fighting force. And if you can accommodate that in that kind of environment, I don’t think there’s a problem for it.”
What sort of a sick joke is this?
What kind of right-winger supports trannies even being allowed out of the asylum, let alone fighting in the military?
Jeb Bush is also more pro-invasion than many liberals.

And this is our “conservative” candidate?
How did we get to this point?