Jeff Bezos Reveals Jew National Enquirer Threatened to Post His Nudes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2019

Why would a 55-year-old man be taking nude photographs?

Well, presumably, the woman bullied him into it. His new girlfriend, Sanchez, is in the photos.

Even so, it is shocking that he would send these on a phone.


In an explosive tell-all blog post published Thursday, Jeff Bezos accused the publisher of the National Enquirer of trying to extort him.

The post by Bezos on the blogging platform Medium revealed what he said were the full text of emails his representatives got from executives at AMI, the publisher of the National Enquirer.

Bezos, the billionaire founder and CEO of Amazon (AMZN), alleged that AMI threatened to release compromising photos of him. His post included what he said were emails from AMI detailing what he described as “extortion and blackmail.” Bezos, the world’s richest person, is the single largest shareholder in Amazon, with 16% of the company’s stock.

“Something unusual happened to me yesterday. Actually, for me it wasn’t just unusual  —  it was a first. I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse. Or at least that’s what the top people at the National Enquirer thought. I’m glad they thought that, because it emboldened them to put it all in writing,” Bezos wrote. “Rather than capitulate to extortion and blackmail, I’ve decided to publish exactly what they sent me, despite the personal cost and embarrassment they threaten.”

Bezos titled his post “No thank you, Mr. Pecker,” referring to AMI’s chairman and CEO, David Pecker. In the text, he shared what he said was an email from AMI’s chief content officer, Dylan Howard, in which Howard threatened to release intimate and personal photos and text messages of Bezos and a woman the National Enquirer said he was having an affair with.

“In the AMI letters I’m making public, you will see the precise details of their extortionate proposal: They will publish the personal photos unless Gavin de Becker and I make the specific false public statement to the press that we ‘have no knowledge or basis for suggesting that AMI’s coverage was politically motivated or influenced by political forces.’

The Medium post is worth reading. I was surprised he isn’t a very good writer, and obviously wrote the thing himself. It is just like something you would imagine an 8th grader would write. Boomers not being able to write because they didn’t grow up with the internet is a serious reality, and seeing that the richest man on earth can’t write certainly gives me more sympathy for their weird plight.

He owns the Washington Post. I would have had a professional writer write this article. But he definitely captured the authentic feel. I’m not sure if that is good.

Blaming the Jew Pecker is fine. Jews deserve to be blamed, and this Jew was doing the old Jew bit with the nudes.

But Bezos also tries to connect it to Donald Trump in a weird way, even while Jew Pecker testified against Trump like all the other Jews. He rambles on and on about Donald Trump in a piece which is about the very interesting subject of Jews blackmailing people with nude photographs.

He basically posits a conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is behind this dick pics plot.

From the piece:

Here’s a piece of context: My ownership of the Washington Post is a complexifier for me. It’s unavoidable that certain powerful people who experience Washington Post news coverage will wrongly conclude I am their enemy.

President Trump is one of those people, obvious by his many tweets. Also, The Post’s essential and unrelenting coverage of the murder of its columnist Jamal Khashoggi is undoubtedly unpopular in certain circles.

Again, the piece is not well written – at one point, he digresses into a defense of his business sense by describing the company’s history – and he just drops that bit about Trump in there as an insinuation, while claiming that it is the Washington Post’s coverage of the National Enquirer’s relationship to Saudi Arabia that led to the blackmail.

In the AMI letters I’m making public, you will see the precise details of their extortionate proposal: They will publish the personal photos unless Gavin de Becker and I make the specific false public statement to the press that we “have no knowledge or basis for suggesting that AMI’s coverage was politically motivated or influenced by political forces.”

That appears to be what is clearly communicated in the emails. Neither Donald Trump or Saudi Arabia are mentioned.

It’s all Jew lawyers in the email chains. I don’t know how what the Enquirer did could be legal, but I assume Jew lawyers would think no better than to have illegal threats recorded in emails to other Jew lawyers. This may be some form of legal blackmail. I have no idea.

Weird event, overall.