Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2015

Jefferson Davis lost a war when he was alive, now, as a long-dead historical figure, he is losing another war.
The first war he lost to superior military and economic might, this one he is losing to emotional feelings of inferiors.

Statue in Virginia
The words “Black Lives Matter” have been spray painted on the Jefferson Davis statue in Richmond.
The tagging is at the base of the statue on Monument Avenue.
The statute of Davis, who was president of the Confederate States of America, went up in 1907 at the intersection of Monument and Davis avenues.
The vandalism comes as an online petition is calling for the removal of the monuments of Confederate leaders be taken down from Richmond’s streets.
Statue in Kentucky
A panel met Thursday to decide whether to remove the marble statue of the Confederate president.
In the Capitol Rotunda in Frankfort, statues have stood for more than 50 years, not one has ever been removed. But because of a request by the governor, history may be about to change.
“In light of current events and the tragedy of what happened in South Carolina, it has been brought to the forefront,” Steve Collins, with the Historic Properties Advisory Committee, said.
In addition to the controversy over the confederate flag, the statue of Jefferson Davis is now in question.
Gov. Steve Beshear released a statement, saying, “While Davis’ likeness hasn’t been used in the same way as the Confederate flag, a broader discussion of the statues position in the capitol is due.”
Several other politicians from both parties have given similar statements.
Statue in Texas
University of Texas president Greg Fenves has given a task force until August to come up with recommendations on whether to remove statues of Jefferson Davis and Confederate military commanders from campus.
Some student groups have pushed UT to remove the Davis statue.
Davis was president of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
The protests come in the wake of last week’s mass shooting in Charleston, which officials have called a racial hate crime.
Fenves acknowledged emotions are running high, but says this has to be handled carefully.
“History is important, and our role as an educational institution is to understand our history, interpret it, put it into context, and teach it to our students through representations such as art and statues, and doing that in a proper way that is respectful of all individuals,” Fenves said.
Highway in Arizona
Gov. Doug Ducey says he’ll have the state transportation department review the name of a highway memorializing the Confederacy’s president, Jefferson Davis.
Ducey said Friday that he’d like to see those stretches of highway renamed after Arizonans.
Rep. Reginald Bolding earlier this week called for a highway marker on U.S. 60 in Apache Junction that bears Davis’s name removed and the highway renamed. He said honoring supporters of slavery isn’t right.
What’s even more outrageous, the man’s own progeny is now attacking his legacy in the name of Blacks.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ great-great-grandson says the Confederate battle flag should be retired to museums.
“This flag has become a symbol that divides our country,” Bertram Hayes-Davis told The Clarion-Ledger.
This is all so ridiculous, on such a monumental level.