Jerome Corsi Sues Roger Stone for Trying to Induce a Heart Attack in Him

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2019

This is a pretty extreme claim to make.

Fox News:

Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Thursday sued his former close associated Roger Stone for defamation, claiming he tried to inflict distress and cause heart attacks to stop him from testifying in Stone’s trial.

Corsi is seeking $25 million in damages and alleges that Stone has made false statements amid efforts to distance from claims that they had prior knowledge of WikiLeaks emails release that hurt Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.

The lawsuit claims that Stone intended to inflict “emotional distress and coercion” and attempted to cause Corsi to “have heart attacks and strokes, in order that Plaintiff will be unable to testify at Stone’s criminal trial,” according to the Washington Examiner.

Stone also caused him “conscious pain, suffering, severe emotional distress and the fear of imminent serious bodily injury or death, and other mental and physical injuries, and Plaintiff was severely harmed and damaged thereby,” the lawsuit added.

Stone accused Corsi in December of working with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“So Jerry Corsi was working with Mueller to sandbag me on a fabricated perjury charge,” Stone wrote on Instagram.“Mueller’s minion even promised Corsi no jail time if he would lie and say he gave me John Podesta’s stolen e-mails (which he did NOT) Then they were going to say I passed them on to Trump (which I did NOT).”

“Jerry was willing to LIE about me but not himself! Now Jerry is lying about legitimate research he did for me regarding the Podesta brothers lucrative business in Russia. Jerry Corsi is starting to make Michael Cohen look like a stand up,” he added.

The lawsuit came amid Stone’s other legal problems, including the grand jury’s indictment last month on charges of obstruction, making false statements to Congress and witness tampering as part of Mueller’s probe.

One of two things is going on.

Either Corsi is working with Mueller to bring down Stone, or this actually happened as he said it did. Also possible is both things at once.

Mueller telling Corsi to file a defamation lawsuit would be weird, but it wouldn’t be incredible at this point. This counsel – or should I say council – is doing all kinds of ultra-weird shit.

But Stone clearly has some personal issues with behavior.

But what is all this weird shit even about?

It’s not about a conspiracy with the Russians. It’s about process crimes – forgetting things in interviews and losing emails.

Mueller has not accused anyone of being part of a Russian conspiracy. He only goes after process crimes and stuff people did before they met Trump (which also have no relationship to Russia).

This is just a campaign to fuck with people over the pettiest shit and then have the media claim it is maybe a Russian conspiracy somehow.

This whole thing is stupid and boring and everyone is sick of it.