Thomas O. Meehan
December 23, 2015

Thanks to some gutsy journalists at NJ Advance Media we now know Muslims did celebrate as thousands of Americans burned on 9-11. This is news because the entire establishment came down on Donald Trump for saying that he saw thousands of celebrating Muslims in 9-11. Sympathetic observers and those who reside in the area understood that Trump was conflating reports of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City with footage of Palestinians doing the same. New Jersey and national RINOs and Democrats seized on his gaffe, united in their Trump animus. Many went beyond Trump’s misstatement to deny any Muslim bad behavior at all.
Now, according to an NJ Advance Media special investigation, credible accounts of multiple Muslim spontaneous celebrations are documented. While they use language to tone down any notion of mass demonstrations, their reporting located credible accounts of “…dozens of persons” at at least two separate locations. They also verified that: “Callers also flooded the 911 system with accounts of jubilant Muslims on a rooftop at a third location…” [EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say, By Mark Mueller, NJ Advance Media for, December 21, 2015]
Some witnesses to this are;
- “A retired police captain, Peter Gallagher, said he cleared a rooftop celebration of 20 to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave, a four-story apartment building with an unobstructed view of Lower Manhattan, in the hours after the the second tower fell.” “Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders.” “The women were shouting in Arabic and keening in the high-pitched wail of Arabic fashion.”
- Another witness is Ron Knight. “Knight was one of two Tonnele Avenue residents who said they witnessed a crowd celebrating on John F. Kennedy Boulevard not far from the Majid Al-Salam, the mosque where Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the ‘Blind Sheikh’ preached before the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.
- Carlos Ferran, 60, who lives in the same building as Knight came upon the same gathering.
- Several others, including police corroborated the Muslim behavior but were unwilling to put their careers in jeopardy by giving their names.
This tale of ethnic treason puts people like Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop out of sorts, or “Skeptical” as the report says. He questions Gallagher’s word or his professionalism. Fulop is a first generation Romanian-American of Jewish ancestry who survives politically by juggling the various seething ethnic factions that make up Jersey City. He also wants to run for Governor and needs all those Arab voters in places like Paterson. Patriotism and peace in the constituency are incompatible it seems.
Chris Christie also denies that there were any Muslims behaving badly on the day. I can’t believe that the Governor of the state didn’t have reports about what every cop on the Jersey City beat knew on that day.
The New Jersey Attorney General of the day also denies 9-11 reality, claiming to have requested confirmation from the city but got nothing back. Again, people on the ground know things people in comfy offices far away really don’t want to know. The report carries not a few “couldn’t be reached” or “didn’t get backs.” Can this be a sign that pretty much everyone decided from the beginning not to inflame things by telling the truth about our friendly Muslim neighbors? I think, yes.