Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2014

The hook-nosed Jewish fiend Andrew Garfield, who isn’t a Spider-Man but plays one on TV, has come out and declared that Peter Parker is a Jew.
He knows because he is a complicated and introspective person, and it is only Jews who are that way, according to the Jew Garfield.
“Peter Parker is not a simple dude. He can’t just switch off,” Garfield says, implying that the goyim are simple and switched-off.
“He never feels like he’s doing enough. And Peter suffers from self-doubt. He ums and ahs about his future because he’s neurotic. He’s Jewish. It’s a defining feature,” he added, apparently suggesting, insanely, that Jews – a race of terrorists and scam-mongerers – are altruistic. The part about Jews being neurotic, however, is obviously true.

If I didn’t know better, based on these statements, I would almost believe that the Jew Garfield believes his parasite race is better than the Aryan people he rules over.
The Jew Garfield has previously said that he thinks Spider-Man should engage in interracial anal sex with men in the children’s film series.
Isn’t it great that these Jews are willing to take time out of their busy lives banking and killing Palestinian babies to enrich our culture with their interesting ideas?

The especially sick part here is that Spider-Man is one of the only true Aryan super heroes there is, having been created not by the thieving talentless Jew Stan Lee, but by the great Slovak Steve Ditko.