Daily Slave
September 23, 2014

Robert Ransdell, a write-in candidate for the Kentucky Senate seat, has created quite the media firestorm with his anti-Jewish, pro-White political campaign. Now the Jew run Anti-Defamation League is angrily denouncing him as a “racist,” “anti-Semite” and “Nazi.”
Some people have criticized Ransdell for a number of things, and while some of the criticisms might have some merit, it baffles me as to why people aren’t focusing on the positive aspects of his campaign. Ransdell has received a great deal of media coverage and has even caught the attention of the ADL. For one guy he has accomplished quite a bit and he should be commended for it.
I believe that if other people launched similar political campaigns, this could be be a breaking point. Many people simply have not heard our message, but would agree with it if they did. The value of this publicity cannot be overstated.
If you think you can do a better job than Ransdell, then launch your own write-in campaign for political office. It would be far more useful than complaining on an Internet message board about what he may or may not be doing well.
In a harshly worded condemnation, the Anti-Defamation League has accused Robert Ransdell, a write-in candidate for the US Senate from Kentucky who campaigned with the slogan “With Jews we lose,” of “taking anti-Semitism to the mainstream public.
Campaign lawn signs with the slogan began appearing in the Cincinnati suburb of Florence, Ky., in recent days. Ransdell said his campaign has posted about 20 signs and plans 200 more in the weeks ahead.
“Online we have had a lot of positive feedback,” Ransdell told WLWT, a TV news station in Cincinnati. “Like I said, we’re going to find out what kind of feedback we get once we go out and take it to the people here in the state of Kentucky.
“I believe that there is no such thing as racial equality. You see that in our cities everyday,” he told the news channel.
In a press release last week, the ADL said that Ransdell was a neo-Nazi and used to lead the Cincinnati chapter of the “virulently racist and anti-Semitic” National Alliance group.
“This is the latest attempt to bring attention and a patina of legitimacy to his racist and bigoted message with lawn signs that are unapologetically anti-Semitic,” Anita Gray, ADL Ohio Regional Director, said in a statement. “Who would have thought in the year 2014 we would see lawn signs targeting Jews? His message is bringing anti-Semitism to the mainstream public, and good people need to stand up and speak out.”
As of Wednesday evening, the signs were gone as the candidate did not ask property owners’ permission to place them.
The major-party candidates in the race are Republican Mitch McConnell, the incumbent and the Senate’s minority leader, and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes. Neither is Jewish.
Ransdell, the ADL said, had announced plans to buy radio airtime in Cincinnati for seven hour-long programs that would showcase his views.
“These programs will from start to finish be open and frank discussion about Jewish power and control over our country,” he said in a campaign announcement.
The ADL press release said that Ransdell has long been involved in anti-Jewish activities, including offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who could persuade Holocaust survivor and author Elie Weisel to show the number tattooed on his arm and prove that he had indeed been interned at Auschwitz during World War II.
The fact that their are people who are allegedly pro-White complaining about the Ransdell campaign proves just how Jewed our “movement” is. This guy has done more already than anyone since the collapse of the National Alliance.
Support him, White Man! And defend him!