Jew Admits Board of Deputies Behind Plot to Unseat Corbyn with Fake Antisemitism Scandal

Diversity Macht Frei
April 30, 2016

The extent of the divide within Labour was highlighted when David Rosenberg, an ally of Mr Corbyn and co-founder of Jews for Jeremy, said that the Board of Deputies was “part of the problem, not part of the solution”.

Writing in the latest edition of Labour Briefing, a monthly magazine of the hard left, Mr Rosenberg suggested that those on the right of the party and other groups were using antisemitism claims to attack Mr Corbyn, and that the Board of Deputies was part of that.

He wrote: “The Board of Deputies, which falsely claims to be the ‘representative’ body of British Jews, has waded in too. Jonathan Arkush, its president, told The Standard that the ‘Jewish community could not trust Labour any more’.

In truth the targets are both Corbyn and Palestine. The ardently pro-Zionist Board of Deputies, in particular, is using the Palestine issue to play party politics.”

Source (£)

A Jewish donor to Labour has also been calling for him to resign.

David Abrahams, who has given more than £600,000 to the party but has now halted his funding, said that he could no longer remain silent and called for Mr Corbyn to step down.

“We’ve got to have a fresh start — we need proper policies and not arguing, backbiting and backstabbing,” he said. “We need to review the leadership, without a shadow of a doubt. We need a leadership built to set an example from the top. I think it is time now for Corbyn to review his situation. I’m just not inclined to be part of this pantomime. It’s time [for MPs to speak out] after next week’s local elections.”

Source (£)

Last night, Mr Abrahams said that it was time for Mr Corbyn to step down. “Jewish people don’t even like the name Labour mentioned at this time,” he told Channel 4 News.


Notice how he is allowed to acknowledge the phenomenon of Jewish ethno-political action as a collectivity. But when Naz Shah says “The Jews are rallying” it’s considered “antisemitism”.

This pseudo-scandal is a good illustration of Jewish power in action. All of the tribe members in the media move into action in pursuit of a common agenda, an agenda that has nothing to do with the country they live in. This manufactured “crisis” had nothing to do with antisemitism to begin with; but it will certainly provoke antisemitism as millions of Corbyn supporters see their hopes for change cheated by an alien power living among them.