Jew Admits Running Illegal Bank Disguised as Charity

NBC Philadelphia
April 25, 2014

Moshe Altman, from Gmach Shefa Chaim in Union City, one of several charities the government claims played a role in a lengthy criminal investigation that led to the arrests of dozens of elected and religious officials and others. Is this the same man as the Moshe Shwartz in this article?

Federal prosecutors say New Jersey man who operated a supposed charitable organization instead ran it as an unchartered bank, accepting millions of dollars in deposits which he shielded from state or federal regulation.

Moshe Schwartz of Union City pleaded guilty Wednesday to operating an unchartered bank and aiding and assisting in the filing of a false 2007 tax return.

The 33-year-old Schwartz faces up to eight years in prison when he’s sentenced July 30.

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