Jew Admits to Luke Ford: “Kevin MacDonald has Cracked Our Code!”

Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

Luke Ford is a pretty unique and interesting character.

In the one hand, he became obsessed with pornography in his younger years and was so enamored by the religion of Orthodox Judaism he converted to it.

On the other, he is a white man racially, so while considering himself a Jew and being immersed in Jewish culture and the Jewish community, he has an inborn intellectual honesty that’s not found among his adopted spiritual kinsmen.

This results in him straddling the contradictory position of being ideologically pro-Jewish while not being anti-white, and indeed sympathizing with the pro-white position and frequently giving a platform to people like Kevin Macdonald (whose thesis Ford finds to be accurate) and Mike Enoch.

When Ford wrote a book about the history of pornography (the only one that exists), he noticed that which he wasn’t supposed to notice:

Though only 2 percent of the American population, Jews dominate porn. Most of the leading male performers through the 1980s had Jewish parents. Leading Jewish pornographers include Wesley Emerson, Paul Fishbein, Lenny Friedlander, Paul Norman, Bobby Hollander, Rubin Gottesman, Hank Weinstein, Fred Hirsh and his children Steve and Marjorie, Steve Orenstein, Theodore Rothstein, and Rueben Sturman.

Here we have him quoting one of his Jew friends as saying “Kevin MacDonald has cracked our code.”

This is why I said a couple days ago that Culture of Critique is the book the Jews fear the most.

Claim the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” is a real document, accuse the Jew of using the blood of Christian children for his matzo bread, and he will remain unfazed. The accusation will run off him like a raincoat, and he will probably mock you.

But tell them you have read Culture of Critique and watch how he recoils, how he suddenly shrinks back: “the goyim have cracked our code.”

Here is the video. The entire conversation is pretty good, but the quote in question is @42:40, which is timestamped (here is the isolated audio clip).