Jew Arrested for Swastika Hate Crime Hoax

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2017

Made any prank phone calls lately, hymie?

Another day, anudda shoah.

As a rule, culprits of Swastika painting on Jewish property are never found – mainly thanks to the institutional anti-Semitism foisted upon America by Donald Trump, who hasn’t done enough to stop them. Every day Trump refuses to fire Sebastian Gorka, a guy who once knew a guy that knew a guy that had a positive opinion of the Hungarian Arrow Cross, along with Steve Bannon, is a day that fans the flames of never before seen anti-Semitism.

Every day freedom of speech and thought is protected, every minute people can read whatever book they want on Amazon, and every second bigots use social media to criticize Israel, is another brick paved on the road to the gas chamber.

The latest in the poorly-drawn-swastika tour takes us to Schenectady, New York.

Lacking the appropriate training from the Anti-Defamation League that big city cops get, the anti-Semitic Syracuse police turned their investigation on the Jewish victim. He has now been arrested for painting the Swastika himself.

Unlike with similar incidents, the Associated Press and Reuters suddenly have lost their appetite for wall-to-wall coverage of “HATE.” Don’t they want to inform the Jewish community that there was a breakthrough in this case?

The Post-Standard:

A Jewish man in Upstate NY was jailed on Monday for falsely reporting racist vandalism to police.

Now, Andrew King, 54, of Schenectady, is facing a charge of Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree after police determined that he spray painted three swastikas on his home.

WTEN-TV reported that King was also arrested on an outstanding warrant for Harassment, stemming from an incident in which he allegedly threatened to harm another person in February.

On this topic, another Jew has spent a lot of time “researching” the The Daily Stormer and other publications for his book on “fake news” and “anti-Semitism.” According to Adam G. Klein’s piece on the child-molester advocacy blog, The Daily Stormer is dangerous because our reporters dared to question the veracity of Jewish claims of having been struck by what looks like a new kind of “Jewish Lightning”: Swastikas just like the one in question, a guy with a tell-tale Brooklyn Jew accent calling in bomb threats and a mysterious series of now infamous cemetery vandalism incidents.

Additionally, Mr. Klein claimed Yours Truly is a nutty conspiracy theorist because I named the marketers behind the last Super Bowl’s most viciously anti-white and controversial ads. It’s not my problem that they were all Jewish. Putting names and faces to events with unquestionable evidence isn’t conspiracy mongering, it’s not fake news – it’s good journalism.

No culprits have been apprehended in the cemetery “attacks,” so the ADL’s guess that it is an act of anti-Semitism by white Neo-Nazi Trump supporters has no more clout than us saying it’s more likely Jews faking it.

Nevertheless, the Jewish organizations that already get most Department of Homeland Security safety grants are upping the ante. 100 Senators, including all the prominent Republicans, are pushing Trump and the Federal Government to hand more taxpayer money over to Jewish organizations for new swimming pools, I mean, “safety measures” against shadow anti-Semites.

I’ll play the devil’s advocate (fitting term) here, what if there really are impossible to catch Otto Skorzeny style professional anti-Semites who travel across the country kicking over the tomb stones of Jewish cemeteries and spray painting “hate symbols”? If that’s the case, why are there no articles condemning those numerous Jews who are caught hoaxing hate crimes? Every single polemic about this in the Judenpresse focuses on the need to silence and arrest people like me, David Duke and Andrew Anglin who are simply reporting the news.

By making a public statement against Jews who engage in proven hoax hate crimes, the ADL could show people that they take this seriously and are ready to control elements in their community who treat this as a money and attention shakedown.

But it will never happen. All the Jewish racial advocacy groups, from the SPLC to the ADL, have at least a hunch that their own people are doing the bulk of these hate crimes, and they’re using it to try and push a nefarious political angle at a time where they find their privileges under attack.

The Daily Stormer tried to contact the ADL for a comment on this case, but they did not respond.

If you really want to tongue-tie a browbeating Jew, ask him a simple question: can you name one incident in all of human history where the Jews were the bad guy?  Get ready for some chirping crickets.